Synth Museum

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Korg Sigma


Released: 1979



Monophonic "performing" synthesizer with presets and limited editing (a.k.a. KP-30). Architecture Class: Conventional (subtractive).

Ebay Description:

The Korg Sigma is a 37 key (monophonic) synthesizer, featuring aftertouch, portamento, vibrato, CV I/O, and separate "Synthe" and preset "Instrument" sections. The "Synthe" section features a single oscillator (noise, saw, S/H, PWM, pulse, square waveforms) and low and high pass analog filters. The "Instrument" section features 11 presets (ElectricBass, Tuba, Clavi, FuzzGuitar, Horn, Trumpet, Clarinet, DoubleReed, String, Flute, HammeredPercussion) and an associated adjustable parameter (filter cut-off, attack, etc.).


Form Factor Dimensions Weight Audio Input Audio Output Communication Port Control Input Control Output Switch Input Power
37 keys W:774mm D:400mm H:173mm 11kg no Synthe Instrument no CV filter pitch trigger CV trigger sustain AC:wired (17W)


Compatibility Multitimbral Memory Program Memory External Storage External Programming UI Input UI Output
- N/A Instrument:11 no no knobs switches LED


Multitimbral Polyphony Unison Architecture
2 1 no [VCO->VCA]+[VCO->VCF->VCA]


Effects Pan Modulator Volume Modulator Headphone
no no EGs yes


Arpeggiator Arpeggiator External Sequencer Sequencer Memory Sequencer External Continuous Program Change
no N/A no N/A N/A joystick:2 no


Key Pressure Chord Memory External Control External Sustain Key Scaling Velocity Curves
yes no no no no N/A


Name Signal Class Waveform Octave Range Amplitude Modulator Harmonics Modulator Pitch Modulator Wave Assign Modulator
Synthe analog noise saw S/H PWM pulse square +-1 saw:32|8|4' S/H:16' PWM:16' pulse:8' square:8' no ring aftertouch joystick portamento Vibrato no
Instrument analog preset: ElectricBass Tuba Clavi FuzzGuitar Horn Trumpet Clarinet DoubleReed String Flute HammeredPercussion +-1 ElectricBass:32' Tuba:32' Clavi:16' FuzzGuitar:16' Horn:16' Trumpet:8' Clarinet:8' DoubleReed:8' String:8' Flute:4' HammeredPercussion:4' no ring aftertouch joystick portamento Vibrato no


Name Signal Class IC Resonant Shape Frequency Modulator Resonance Modulator Shape Modulator
SyntheHPF analog ? no high pass joystick no no
SyntheLPF analog ? no low pass joystick no no
EectricBass analog ? no low pass no no no
Tuba analog ? no low pass no no no
Horn analog ? no low pass no no no
Trumpet analog ? no low pass no no no
Clarinet analog ? no low pass? no no no
DoubleReed analog ? no low pass? no no no
FuzzGuitar analog ? no low pass? no no no
Flute analog ? no low pass? no no no


Name Level Rate Loop Polarity Trigger Level Modulator Rate Modulator
NoiseEG - attack/release no no no no no
Saw32EG - attack/release no no no no no
PWMEG - attack/release no no no no no
Saw8EG - attack/release no no no no no
PulseEG - decay no no no no no
SquareEG - attack/release no no no no no
Saw4EG - decay no no no no no
HammeredPercussionEG - decay no no no no no
StringEG - attack no no no no no


Name Waveform Delay Polarity Sync Delay Modulator Level Modulator Rate Modulator
Vibrato triangle? no no no no aftertouch no
Conventional Models
MiniKorg 700 MiniKorg 700s MaxiKorg 800DV 900PS Synthe Bass SB-100 770 PE-1000 PE-2000
MicroPreset M-500 MicroPreset M-500SP PS-3100 PS-3200 PS-3300 MS-10 MS-20 MS-50
X-911 Delta Lambda Sigma Trident Trident MKII MonoPoly Polysix
Poly-61 Poly-61M Poly-800 EX-800 Poly-800II